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The care sector is at a crossroads in the journey to digital transformation. 

Digital transformation promises to increase efficiency. It offers better data insights and improved resident wellbeing. But, if done inadequately, it can cause caregiver burnout. It can also cause a condition called digital fatigue.

The Burden of Disconnected Systems

We recently had the pleasure of talking to Rishi Jawaheer, the CEO of Care Vision. He saw the problems of digital overload firsthand, while living and working in his family's care homes. 

He explains, "We were using paper across the group, and when I introduced some of the digital systems that we tried from the market, we ended up having multiple systems running... This is where we decided let's start from scratch, let's make our own system."

Many care providers are still in this position. 

They use individual solutions. These include software for managing medication, nurse call systems and care planning tools. The hope is that technology will lighten the load. But, these separate systems create more challenges. They do not solve them.

  • Double (or Triple) the work: Caregivers input the same data over and over. As Rishi notes, "There was an enormous amount of duplication... this is where the birth of Care Vision came about."
  • Scattered Insights: Key resident information lives in silos. Care teams can't get a complete understanding of a resident's needs.
  • Mental Overload: Juggling interfaces, logins, and alerts disrupts focus. It also erodes caregiver confidence.

There is a cost to digital fatigue. This digital chaos doesn't just increase workloads. It takes a deeper toll. "We might make a short-term decision for a short-term fix," notes Rishi. "Then I did it the first month. We did it the second month. Then did it happen in month three? Month four?" The technologies we’ve brought in create inefficiencies and sometimes even get put back on the shelf.

And the small inefficiencies add up. They eat away at caregiver time, patience, and energy.

Caregivers, driven by compassion, try to compensate and push through. 

But digital fatigue isn't about just exhaustion. It's deeper. 

As Rishi states, "This is going to eventually wear me down and get to a point where it's going to create extra strain on the team and then take me away from what we're really here to do."

Integration as the Solution

The way out of this is integration. Solutions like Care Vision and Arquella unify separate systems. Caregivers interact with one, easy platform. It saves time and mental resources.

"This is where our integration is really powerful... we're rejecting those barriers to being able to sort of get across that complete care story of what somebody's been doing," says Rishi.

Integration has benefits beyond convenience. It strikes at the heart of digital fatigue.

  • Simplify: One data entry point lets you capture notes without duplication. Streamlined workflows save time.
  • Clarity fosters confidence: When all info is available and linked, caregivers can make informed choices. This reduces decision fatigue.
  • Empowerment, not Entrapment: "We're not giving the carers fatigue. Everything can be accessed through one system," explains Rishi. Technology becomes a liberating force.

Human Connection: The Constant in Care

Rishi stresses the lasting human importance. With a reminder that technology should aid. It should not replace care. 

"The real reason we're here... to make sure the person receiving the support at the end of it is going to get what they need," he reminds us. 

Integrated systems remove digital friction. They give care teams the gift of time and mental space. Digital transformation with integration let’s them fulfill that purpose.

The path forward? Care providers don't need to suffer from digital fatigue. They don't need to see it as inevitable. 


Choosing integrated solutions is the key.

The strong focus on integrated partners, like Care Vision and Arquella, prove this. This choice sets the course to a future where technology empowers. It will lift the burden on caregivers. They can then focus on what matters most: the wellbeing of the people they serve.


Sarah Brammer
Post by Sarah Brammer
May 23, 2024 12:45:01 PM
